Become a Member

  We are so honored that you are interested in being a member of New Jerusalem Cathedral. We understand that selecting membership in a church is a major commitment and a vital part of spiritual development. We strongly believe that it is beneficial for men and women to fellowship together in unity, as Psalms 133:1 reminds us. Our Bishop, Dr. Kevin Williams has provided the 3 Core Membership Values:


  • A holistic and biblical theology. As a member, you must come to church and hear the word of God as well as self-study to build your spirit and your relationship with God.

  • Application theology relationship. Faith comes by hearing the word of God. If it is not applied and lived you will fail in your Christian walk and relationship with God. Genesis 1 teaches word must be met with action to prove true understanding.

  • An evangelism theology relationship. Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel is Christ’s command and demand. A Christian that does not share Christ exhibits no true relationship with Him. Acts 1 shows that we have been given the power to evangelize Christ in three areas:

    • Self

    • Family

    • Country

Join New Jerusalem Cathedral

Please take a moment to share some information with us and someone from our Ministry will reach out to you.